I want to use this blog to record our journey as we homeschool. We are finishing our 2nd year and looking forward to this new year. The 1st year was wonderful...the "honeymoon" so to speak of our new lifestyle. The 2nd year... well let's just say the "honeymoon" was over! :) I had heard that would happen though, so I wasn't disappointed. I am really looking forward to this year. I know I haven't messed up my kids (yet) but I am ready to tackle some of the issues in their education that fell a little short.
All in all I have 7 kids+...Josh just graduated college, commissioned in the Army, became engaged and then they moved home to help Dad pastor our little New England church... Anna is a Junior at Bible college and she and her boyfriend come home every weekend to run our youth program at church... Stephen is a Junior at our local public high school - he chose to stay in the public system when we began this journey. Caleb, Esther, Isaac, & Sarah have been my students here at home for the last two years.Caleb & Esther I pulled out of public school when they had finished 6th and 4th grades. Isaac & Sarah have never been to public school.
I generally teach them in 2 groups; Isaac & Sarah together, Caleb & Esther together, and we really enjoyed some family style curriculum this past year for history and science. Caleb & Esther have worked out of the same math book, just at different speeds. I am hoping in future blogs to give reviews of the curriculum I use and to share styles and methods that have worked for me. I have found homeschooling blogs to be so helpful to me in my part of this journey so far. I really want to be able to give back and help others who are starting on this journey of educating their children at home. It is so worthwhile!
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